720-318-9220 [email protected]

Kimberly Bailey, MA, RPA  

Ms. Bailey is AKPC’s Human Resources Manager and Health & Safety Program Director, in addition to her role as a Principal Investigator/Project Manager on projectsShe is well versed in effects analysis for NHPA Section 106 compliance and for Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Studies under NEPA.

Ms.Bailey is process driven and excels at creative solutions. She has over 18 years of experience managing cultural resource inventories and reporting in Arizona, Colorado, California, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. She has supervised field surveys, laboratory analysis, and reporting of cultural resources on private, state, and federal lands (BLM, DoD, BOR, and USFS).

Ms. Bailey has years of specialized technical experience in the use of ground penetrating radar (GPR) in archaeological contexts, cultural resource viewshed analysis, archaeo-botanical sampling, Global Positioning System (GPS) mapping, and Global Information System (GIS) analysis. 

[email protected]

Kimberly Bailey: 720.318.9220